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Empowering people with the courage to live life @ full throttle!

Pssssst, looking for a great read? Come for a ride with me through the pages of my book – an entertaining memoir of my solo road trip around Australia on my Harley Davidson – Fat Bob.

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Miss Heather I first read your book not long after your book launch when you personally delivered two copies to my and we enjoyed coffee and another chat at Thorne Street coffee shop. I sent the other Mr John.I enjoyed the stories and felt the way it was written was as...

How Wonderful, to be invited into someone’s life. Not many of us are willing to be honest about our fears and vulnerabilities let alone write them down. Reading your words Heather is like sitting with an old friend. No awkward polite small talk. Just an easy and engaging style. I...

Really really enjoyed the read. Didn’t get bored once! It will be my source book for places to see. Glad you put in the stuff at the end. I always wondered what happened. Plus it added to the underlying message of female independence and strength by riding away. Will sell...

Hello Miss H Just finished the book. You were right about readers being a pillion passenger. When I put down the book and reflected, I found you an inspirational person and a motivator. I felt the bruises, the winds. I got wet, got sore arms, I got burnt. I blew red dust out...

Hi Heather, I just finished reading your book. I really enjoyed it. I’ve loved reading your descriptions of some of the places I just travelled through on my own lap of Australia (well half of it). I’ve highlighted so many bits in your writing that mirror exactly my thoughts and...