27 Sep My Size Does Not Define Who I Am!
It has been a beautiful day here. Perfect for trying out my new shower!
You see, a few audience members of late, have been a horrified with the lack of hygiene on my road trips.
I have tried to explain that I do keep myself fresh and tidy with a ‘bush wash’.
Not sure Miss Daphane (who I wrote about recently) was so convinced. She gave me a portable shower when I visited her in Wauchope.
I have to say, it works a treat. Runs off Fat Bobs battery – be a quick shower lol
I have to admit, I was a little shy about posting a photo in my bathers! I have put on a lot of weight since the accident. Which, at times I have tried to disguise!
Bugger it, I thought today. My size does not define who I am!
So, I am embracing my deliciously round body and ‘keepin it real’.
Authentically me! 🙂 x
Tony Layt
Posted at 20:56h, 27 OctoberAll I am seeing is real woman and person. My personal like with women is not about “dress” size or shape but dressing in a manner that suits . At the risk of sounding seedy I think you look great.